Monday, March 24, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Promise to Post, Post

I know it's been FOR-EV-ER since I last blogged. I'm so sorry. I'm sure quite a few people have, by now, given up visiting our site altogether.

Well, let's not waste another minute then.....

As you can imagine, I've got tons of pictures from all the many things that have happened since September. My adventerous little boy turned 2 in October (I can't believe it), my precious little girl has advanced two (or is it three?) belt levels in Tae Kwondo and then, of course, there was Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day, President's Day....okay, I'm getting carried away. Thankfully, I haven't missed Easter, right? Oh, AND it snowed in our lovely little town - not just once but twice!!

Whew, I've really got my work cut out for me. I know you don't believe me but, really, I'm going to get right on it because my New Year's resolution this year was to GET ORGANIZED...... thought I'd change things up a bit this year since I can't ever seem to stay on the "diet" wagon. : ) I must say that, so far, I've done a pretty good job too. We had a rocky start to the New Year with Adam getting brochitis, which then proceeded to wind it's way through our entire house and, just when we thought we were in the clear, along came the flu. Both kids were even vaccinated but apparently the powers that be somehow missed the strain this year. I know there are a lot of you with me when I say, "REFUND please!"

Anyway, with the help of my wonderful husband (thank you honey), I've cleaned out the upstairs storage closet, totally Elfa'ed out Adam's closet (I'll post a picture later) and, by the way, if you haven't discovered Elfa shelving yet, I HIGHLY recommend you head to the nearest Container Store and check it out. It's AMAZING!! Back to what I was saying, we've cleaned out the garage, had the front door refinished, and replaced all of our smoke detectors (Adam calls them fire trucks....I know, I keep trying to tell him that they wake us up if there is a fire so we can CALL the fire trucks but he just keeps calling them fire trucks anyway). Oh, AND I've started menu planning for the week.....this is a HUGE money saver for us AND I don't have to think about what I'm fixing for dinner every night.

Are you bored yet? : ) Okay, I'll stop and post more later.