Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's been a while!

Wow, has it really been four months since my last post? My how times flies!

It's been very hectic around our house, as usual. Gracie completed Kindergarten and is VERY excited about going to the first grade. She's growing up so fast!! As a matter of fact, yesterday, she lost both her first and second tooth all in the same day. I got an excited call from the daycare director saying that her "two loose teeth came out", however, one of them fell out and went straight down the drain. :( The only problem with this statement was that there was actually only one tooth that was loose so I was immediately curious as to how she ended up with two missing teeth. The now worried director put Gracie on the phone to find out just what happened. As Gracie explained it, "Mommy, I hit the wall with my face and they fell out. I'm okay but it feels very weird having no teeth there anymore." She was concerned that the Toothfairy would not be happy that she'd lost her lost tooth. I told her that a quick note explaining the accident would make everthing right with the world again....no worries. When she got home last night, she wanted to show EVERYONE (within a 5-mile radius of our house) her missing teeth. I promised I'd post a picture for all to see on our blog today so, here she is in all her toothless glory. : )