Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hau'oli la hanau Kalakie!

Translation: Happy Birthday Gracie

We celebrated Gracie's 7th birthday this past weekend and boy, was it fun! She originally wanted to have a slumber party, that is, until she found out about the "No Boys Allowed" rule. That's when she opted instead for the BEACH PARTY BLOW-OUT, your heart out Frankie and Annette! We had sand and surf, as well as tiki torches, leis, parrots, fake palm trees, grass skirts, and Don Ho.....okay, maybe not Don Ho but we did have Tiny Bubbles (in each favor bag)! That counts, right? It was a little hot, not quite as nice as it probably was in Maui on Saturday but not too bad. We rented a pavillion (aka Tiki Hut), which kept us shaded most of the time. However, not enough to keep the frosting from melting off the cupcakes. Oh well, it didn't seem to phase any of the kids so" 'A'ole Nui " (polynesian for "No Biggie"). The kids swam like little fishes and played in the water-spray area. No one got hurt or threw-up so, in my book, huge success! :O)

On a more serious note (to Gracie), I can't believe you're 7-yr old!!

I blinked and you went from this tiny little angel:

To this beautiful little girl:

I'm so proud of you! You're smart, thoughtful, and kind. You're passionate about everything you do and fearless when it comes to meeting new people and making new friends, singing, acting or performing on stage. I love your larger-than-life personality, your infectious laugh, your beautiful smile and the wonderful hugs you give so freely.

I'm very proud to be your mommy and I love you dearly!

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Love - Mommy

Friday, June 5, 2009