Saturday, March 28, 2009

The results are in...

We had a great time at the Powder Puff Derby this morning. We had to be there at 8 am to check-in for our 9:30 race. Lots of waiting around and then Gracie's car didn't race until the very end. Needless to say, it was a very LONG two and a half hours until her name finally came up on the racing board.

It was now her "heat". The three cars to race were carefully positioned at the top of the track. In the first race, her car was on Track 3. "On your mark, get set, GOOOOOOOOOO..." - they were off. Gracie's car came in just a fraction of a second behind, taking second place. Then came the second race, on Track 2. Woo, hoo...this time she came in first!!! Finally, the third race. Could she take first place in 2 out of 3? YES!!! Gracie was the winner in her "heat". I've never seen such excitement!

Since Gracie was one of the last 10 cars to race, we didn't have to wait long (thank goodness) for the final results. Gracie's car came in at a very respectible 22nd place. Not too bad for a first attempt at derby car racing. This actually worked out well because if you made it to the finals, you had to report back at 1 o'clock to for the Championship Race, which would have interferred with her very busy social calendar. She would not have been very happy to have missed a birthday party and a trip to Grandma's and Grandpa's house. So, 22nd place worked for us.

You'll notice that there are pictures of two derby cars in this post. Well, that's because you simply can't build a car for one child and not the other so this is a picture of Adam's Superhero Derby Car too. When his time comes to race, he'll be an old pro at pinewood derby design. :O)

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